Saturday, 17 August 2013

An entire sea of water can't sink a ship ♡

Recently my boyfriend sent me a quote that has got me thinking about the way I look at life. It's one of the most simple yet inspirational quotes I've ever read, and it's definitely going to be my new life moto. I've decided to do another short inspiration blogpost inspired by this quote. 

'An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you.' 

Being human we naturally notice the negative side of situations more so than the positive. You could have hundreds of people there for you, supporting you and praising you, but it's that handful of negative people waiting for you to fail that have the biggest impact. Why is this? Why do we let the people who shouldn't have an impact on our life succeed? It all goes back to naturally noticing the negative side more so than the positive.

From now on I'm going to defy this and I'm going to shut as much negativity out of my life as is possible, and I feel everyone should do this. Don't let people deprive you of your happiness, and discourage you from doing what you believe in and what brings positivity to your life. If you're getting hassle from people then just delete them from your mind (or in the case of social networking, literally) and forget about them and move on, and concentrate on the people who bring positivity to your life.

With regards our blog, no matter if we've 1 fan or a million fans, and no matter if negativity comes our way, we will still continue to write blogs because this is what makes us happy and this is what we enjoy doing. 

I know this blogpost was similar to one I did awhile back but that quote really inspired me and I wanted to share it with you all :) if you have any other inspirational quotes for me please do share as I love collecting different quotes ♡

Always keep your head high, do what makes you happy, and remember... 

Lorna xxx

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