Saturday 14 September 2013

What's on my iPhone?

I've decided to do a 'Whats on my iPhone' blogpost, where I basically show you what apps I use, wallpaper I have, layout of my phone, etc.. I've seen this blogpost done quite a lot by some of my favourite bloggers, some do it through a youtube video which I would love to do but unfortunately I don't have a good enough quality camera for that yet. This blogpost is going to be quite long as I have a lot of apps on my phone, so bear with me :) 

Before I begin; I have a white iPhone 4S which I received as a gift in Christmas 2011, so almost 2 years ago. I have taken extreme care of it, other than a minuscule mark on the bottom right hand corner of the front face, it's in perfect condition :) So lets get started...

My cover at the moment for my iPhone is one I purchased on eBay for €10. It's a Marc by Marc Jacobs one, and I love it so much as its such a fun looking cover ❤

First of all my lock screen has a picture of me and my 2 best friends at the night of my 20th birthday back in June. After moving back up to college I really miss my best friends, so I changed my wallpaper to remind me of how lucky I am to have such great friends in my life.

My wallpaper of my home screen is none other than cupcakes of course! Incase you didn't know this, I have a serious obsession with cupcakes. They're so yummy, cute and pretty and I just love them. I found this cute wallpaper on Pinterest and fell immediately in love with it :)

As you can see from the above pictures I have my apps completely organised into folders. On the first page of apps I have my main apps such as safari for Internet, calander, photos, mail, calculator, clock, stocks, reminders, settings, contacts, weather, notes, iTunes, videos; these are my main apps that I use from day to day and that I need to be able to access easily. On my second page of apps I have given each folder a title and a cute emojii icon to help me identify easily where each app is when needed. My bottom bar of apps has my phone, messages, music and camera - these are the apps that I use every single day which is why I have placed these in the main bar. 

My Folders:

1. Utilities
In my folder entitled Utilities I keep the apps that I rarely use but keep because they came with the phone, such as: Compass, Voice Memos, Find my iPhone and Passbook. The only useful app out of all these I find is the Find my iPhone app. I reccomended everyone who has an iPhone should have this app as it enables you to find where your iPhone is if you lost it from a family members or friends laptop or iPhone. Ensure you hook this app up with a persons iPhone that you can trust. 

2. Fashion
Now what fashion blogger doesn't have fashion apps? I already did a blogpost awhile back on my favourite fashion apps so I'm not going to go into detail on any of these, but my all time favourite fashion app is still All Women Stalk. It has so many posts on anything and everything every woman would be interested in and I really recommend that if you have a smartphone to definitely give it a go and download it! And then of course I like to keep up to date on my favourite stores and what they have in stock such as River Island, Coast, etc... So I just download their apps :) 

3. Education 
I'm very into my education and study, I know I'm a bit on the nerdy side, but come on keeping up with study is so worth it in the end. So of course I have myself an education folder. Most of if consists of language apps to help improve my German, I have my student mail app for easy access to emails from lecturers, classmates, etc... And the Blackboard app which is our online interactive educational system at NUI Galway. I also download many apps to help with my modules such as T & F Online for organisational behaviour journals, and Economics Doctionary to help me learn terms for economics. 

4. Social
This is the folder where I keep all my social networking apps. It consists of Facebook which I rarely use as I find the Facebook app extremely irritating on the iPhone as it keeps crashing and freezing. Then comes Twitter which is probably my most used social networking app, I love Twitter (find us on twitter @ElleBeeBlog ) ❤ . What's App comes next which I rarely use, I only have it because some of my friends have blackberrys and its a free way to text them rather than racking up my bill on normal text messages. Then comes the wonderful Instagram; who doesn't live Instagram? I'm obsessed with finding new people to follow, especially fashion and beauty bloggers as their pictures give me inspiration on what I do. Pinterest is also a huge favourite of mine, but unfortunately it's not as popular here in Ireland as it would be elsewhere. It's basically just an inspiration social network where you can share pictures of quotes, fashion, interior, etc.. I can spend endless hours on this before I go to sleep at night ❤ The rest of the apps in this folder, Snapchat, Skype, Find my Friends, Vine and My Meteor, I rarely use but it's still nice to have them there as I may wander on to them from time to time. 

5. Random
Everyone has them few apps that are just there, that don't belong to a category and are used very rarely. I have collected all these apps and put them into a 'Random' folder. This folder includes the Skyskanner app which I highly reccomended as it helps you find the cheapest price for any flight to and from any destination on any given date. The google translate app is also another very handy app to have especially for me studying German as its a quick and easy way to double check what a word means or how a word is spelt in a different language. Other apps in this folder include Mobile Print which is an app that comes with my laser printer, group-on which is an Irish app offering many vouchers for goods, ulster bank app, fitness app, and a character app which I use to get heart shapes, star shapes, etc.. like this - ❤

6. Photo
This is one of my favourite folders, filled with all my favourite photo related and editing apps. Prank Mirror, Face Swap and Hair Colour Booth are all fun apps that you could spend hours on having a great time. Hair Colour Booth is so handy for helping you decide what colour you should dye your hair next as you just simply take a photo of yourself and then pick whatever colour you'd like your hair to be, and you can also add in highlights, dip dye, etc... Photo Loader is the app I use for uploading numerous of photos to Facebook as it is fast and easy to use. Lumie is my all time favourite photo editing app, it allows you to add in hearts, glitter, stars, dots, etc.. over your photos to make them cute and pretty. Diptic is another app I use a lot that allows you to create a collage of photos to easily upload on Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc... 

7. Entertainment
Ironically my entertainment folder isn't so entertaining consisting if only 3 apps that I never ever use. The apps are iBooks which I used to use alot when I first got my iPhone but since I have realised how much more I enjoy having an actual book in my hand while reading, Podcasts which came with the iPhone and I don't think I have ever used it if even know how to use it, and lastly Shazam which identify any song from listening to a snippet of it and I only use this if I really want to know the name of a song, which is very rarely! 

8. Games
The one thing I never really did get in to was gaming apps. The ky game I ever play is Temple Run, and I know that it is so old now at this stage but its definitely one of my guilty pleasures to sit down and have a game of Temple Run. I have never used the game centre that comes with the iPhone as I'm just not that into gaming, but I do enjoy the odd game of Solitare which is why I downloaded the Solitare app :D 

9 & 10. Navigation and Music
I decided to put these 2 together as I never really use either of these folders so I don't have much to say on either of them. In the navigation folder I have the maps which came with the iPhone and I also downloaded google maps as I find them much more helpful and better overall. In my music folder I have Tune-in radio which has every station in the world so I try to listen to the German radio stations to help improve my listening skills in German, again - nerdy I know!! I also have the iTube app which allows you to download youtube videos and save them so you can listen and watch then even when you have no Internet.

11. Elle Bee
And last but most certainly not least I have a folder of all the apps needed to keep up to date with all of you with regards our Elle Bee Blog. I have the Google+ app that allows me to interact with the people in our google circles who follow us. Of course I have the Blogger app where it all started, and is the site we use for our blogs. I have the Pages app to keep up with all our subscribers on Facebook, which we update daily with inspiration quotes, fashion tips, competitions, pictures and of course our blogposts. And lastly I Haverhill Bloglovin app which helps me discover new blogs to follow and look up to, and also helps me to share our blog with the world ❤ 

So thats it, thats my iPhone ❤ Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blogpost, and I hope you enjoyed it. 

Lorna xxxx

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