Tuesday 22 October 2013

1950's MakeUp- Halloween Ideas

So Halloween is just around the corner so I decided I would do a blog post on how to do Marilyn Monroe/ Audrey Hepburn style of makeup. 1950's makeup is actually quite striped back compared to the colourful smokey eyes we do now. For the makeup look you will need: eyeliner (liquid/pen/gel), mascara, red lipstick, red lip-liner, lipgloss, pink blush and quite a pale foundation. In the 1950's/1960's people didn't wear tan so the look is quite pale.

All you need to do is apply primer, light foundation, concealer over spots etc, powder and a bit of blush on the cheek bones but not too much.
Then with your eyeliner, line the top lash line from the inner corner to the outter corner. Now this is very important: to do a flick, place a pen or pencil from the edge of your nose to the end of your eyebrow. Then draw a small dot between your eye brow and eye lash line to indicate how far you are going to draw the line.
With the eyeliner you used for the upper lash line, draw a line from the dot to the middle of your eyelid where it meets the line and colour in. Then draw a diagonal line from the same dot to the outer corners of the bottom lash line.

DO NOT put any eyeliner or eye shadow on the Byron lash line because they always kept the underneath bare. 
For the eyeshadow, put a white base down on the eyelid, then just apply some black eyeshadow to the corners for a smokey effect and blend inwards with a clean make up brush.
Put some mascara on or even some fake eyelashes (blog on how to apply fake eyelashes is at the start of our blogs) to give it a fuller look to complete the eyes.
Also for the eyebrows, the often extended them out longer than their actual eyebrow line so you can do this with a eyebrow pencil or brush. 
For the lips: draw a line on the lip line with lip liner and then apply lipstick inside. Make sure the lip liner and lipstick are around the same colour red so they blend in together. 

And voila, your 1950's look is done! 

Audrey Hepburn:
Tight black dress
Small black heels
Pearl necklace/ beads
Diamanté headpiece in front of a high  bun
Long black gloves
And a long stick to pretend is your cigarette!

Marilyn Monroe:
White flowey dress
Tight Curls
White heels
White Earrings
And a small dot with eyeliner on the cheek for her beauty spot!

You can also do this same make-up for a 1920's flapper girl look. This look just involves lots of beads and feathers so is quite easy to pull off.


Saturday 12 October 2013

Elle Bee for Love Accessories ❤️

So everyone knows that statement jewellery just adds that perfect finishing touch to any outfit. I have always been a huge fan of statement jewellery but sometimes it's hard to find that perfect piece that won't burst your budget. Many of the high street stores and big brands have some fabulous pieces but are very pricey, whereas the cheaper, low-end high street stores stuff can often look quite tacky and cheap. So where can we find a happy medium? 

Recently I discovered an online, facebook based store called Love Accessories and I was delighted to have teamed up with the wonderful Ambyr from Love Accessories who kindly sent me some stunning pieces for me to share with you all. She has such amazing pieces on sale at a very affordable price and excellent quality too. It's safe to say I've found my happy medium, and yours too! 

My favourites of the month from Love Accessories are:

1. Rhinestone Necklace
This piece is absolutely fabulous girls. It's a simple gold torc style necklace sporting a gorgeous orange, white and emerald mix of rhinestones. It's very unique and you will definitely receive many compliments while wearing it, I know I did. I paired it with a plain white peplum top when modelling it, but it also looks fab paired with a simple black top. It's such a simple yet gorgeous piece to really add that finishing touch to any outfit. And girls, its only €10 - BARGAIN!

2. Gold Cuff 
I feel it's necessary for every girl to have a gold cuffed bangle. It's such a simple piece that really adds that 'wow' factor to your oufit. You can pair this with absolutely anything. I really like this particular one as the gold is very shiny and glistens when light shines on it. It also has a gold chain on it which I feel is a really nice touch and adds a little bit of edge to what once was just a simple gold bangle. At only €5, this really is a bargain!
These are my 2 favourites because when paired together they look absolutely stunning. The simplicity of the gold bangle paired with the detail of the rhinestone necklace makes for a fab combination. 

  • Rhinestone Necklace: €10
  • Gold Cuff - €5

I feel Love Accessories offers such great quality pieces at very affordable prices and fast delivery too! I would love for you all to check it out and let me know what you think. It's also an Irish company too, which is always a plus because it's great to help out and purchase locally. 

You can find Love Accessories on Facebook at: 

You can also get in contact with Ambyr, the founder of Love Accessories, on:
Email: loveaccessoriesireland@hotmail.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LOVEACCESSORIE2

I hope you'll like Love Accessories just as much as I do :)

Till next time...
Lorna xxxx

Sunday 6 October 2013

The Beauty Blogger Tag ❤️

Before I begin I would like to apologize for the lack of blogposts in the last week. With college work piling up I really have been much busier than I anticipated. But anyways I'm back, and to welcome myself back I did the Beauty Blogger tag :) 

So, let's begin...

1. How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?
It’s hard to tell as some weeks it’s more than others. My desired aim would be at LEAST 2 posts every week. Up to now I've always had more than that but with college work getting larger and my free time shrinking I find it hard to even get one post up. I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in a week but I've been very stressed out and bust lately with college and my personal life but hopefully I'm back on track now :) 

2. Are you a spender or a saver?
Spender. A complete spender. As my mom says 'Lorna, you've got the stage that you just look for excuses to spend money' - No joke! I always get such satisfaction from purchasing even the smallest of things. Shopaholic central right here!

3. When is it easiest for you to write your posts?
I tend to do my posts at night or in the morning. I love lying in bed blogging. I write my blogposts on my iPhone so it's also very easy and handy to write them on long car journeys or on holidays. 

4. What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
The support I get from my readers. I love inspiring people and giving people tips to help them along the way. I also love how blogging acts as my escape from all of lifes troubles.

5. What’s your worst make up/hair habit?
Straightening my hair. I really really need to stop. It's become a habit at this stage, it's part of my morning routine. 

6. What’s one quote you wish the world would live by?
I have many quotes that inspire me and that I live by, but one that has always been my favourite is:

Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside.

I love this quote as I feel today's society obsess way too much in how their life looks and concentrate less on their emotions and how they actually feel.

7. How long do you spend getting ready everyday?
It varys. Depending on what time I wake up at. If I have 10 minutes then it'll take me 10 minutes, similarily if I have an hour then it will take me an hour.

8. What’s your favourite post on your blog?
I don’t have an immediate favourite but if I have to choose I would pick my homesickness post that I posted last week. It took a lot of guys to share with you all my experience so to me that post means the most.

9. Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserves more subscribers that they have?
NikiAndGabi beauty on youtube - these girls are my inspiration, no joke! 

10. What’s one thing you’re excited about in the coming year?
I'm really excited to see where this blog will go and if we will reach our desired goals. A year from now I'd like to be able to look back at all our hard work and think 'Man, that was worth every second!'.

11. What’s been your favourite blogging moment?
Probably receiving our first sponsorship from the company Love Accessories. It was fantastic to get recognised and to be asked to promote their products through our blog. 

12. How long does it take to prep for a post?
The prep could take 10 minutes or 10 hours, it really depends on what type of post your writing. Some posts come straight from your mind, others need a lot of research.

13. Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wearing pajama bottoms?
I’m in my pyjamas. I'm in bed at the moment so it would be quite odd for me to be wearing jeans. Anyways, this isn't a youtube post so what I look like right now has no affect :P 

14. What are you most proud of in your life?
My friends. I really did end up with such a great bunch of girls. I don't know what I'd do or where I'd be without them. They stick by me through everything and are always there for me, and for that I'll be forever thankful ❤️

So that’s it from me before I head into the land of sweet dreams.

Lorna xxxx

Monday 30 September 2013

Bee's Daily Skincare Routine ❤

My daily skincare routine was once non-existent and I will admit I used to wash my face with baby wipes (this is a terrible idea because it dries out and destroys your skin). So I've learnt the right way to properly clean your face to ensure better results!

Step 1: Eye Make-Up Remover
You only need to do this step if you are taking off your make-up but what I do is I put the eye make up remover onto cotton wool and gently rub it onto my eyelids and around my eyes being very careful because your eyes are very sensitive. I then get a cotton bud and place another piece of cotton wool directly under the eye with the eye closed to wipe the mascara off with the cotton bud onto the cotton wool. 

Step 2: Cleanser
When I'm in a rush I find that even just using cleanser is beneficial in itself with the removal of make up and cleaning your skin. I put some cleanser onto my clean hands and gently massage it around my face massaging it into certain areas and making sure I'm fully removing the makeup. I then get two very slightly damp pieces of cotton wool and remove the cleanser bringing with it the excess makeup. I usually do this twice to make sure my makeup is completely gone

Step 3: Toner
Toner is very good because it closes any open pores and gets rid of excess makeup. I just simply apply some toner to a piece of cotton wool and rub it around my face focusing on any open pores or spots. Be careful though if it is your first time using toner in a while it can stung but this usually wares off after a few uses but if it doesn't it means your skin is having a chemical reaction to it so make sure you get one suited to your skin type!

Step 4: Moisturiser
This is my favourite part of my skin care routine because it allows your skin to become more soft and supple. I just add a small amount to my hands and gently massage it into my skin avoiding the areas around my eyes. 

Step 5: Eye Gel
Because the skin around your eyes is 5 times more sensitive than the skin on your face you must use an eye gel instead of moisturiser. I just put a pea size amount of it on my finger and dab it onto the area around my eyes keeping my eyes closed.

Because we all have different skin types I can't recommend any specific type of cleanser, toner etc because each skin type requires a different product i.e someone with dry skin should get an oil based product for their skin.

However the products I use are from the "Hair and Beauty Salon" shops located around Ireland and they are suitable for all skin types depending on whether you have any skin allergies etc. Kaeso Beauty is the name of the products and they are big tubes that have lasted me ages and will last for months or even a year so they are very cost effective! 

Also, one of my favourite products for skin care that I swear by is "Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Treatment Cream". If I have any random annoying spots that I want to get rid of I just apply a pea size amount onto the spot and leave it over night. I usually give it 1 or 2 nights and it usually does work! 

Ok so I hope some of these tips help! :) 
If you've any other questions contact us on our Elle Bee Facebook page❤ 



Sunday 29 September 2013

Homesickness: Elle's Experience and Advice ♡

So September is coming to an end, a month of change for many. Many of you have begun your transition from the comforts of your childhood home to the world of freedom that is College Life. Some of you may have adjusted easily, others not so much. This time last year, unfortunatly, I did not adjust, and I'm here to share with you my experience to help you out.

After opening my Leaving Cert results and the realization hit me that I had made it to college, I was absolutely delighted, I began packing almost immediately, I couldn't wait to move in to my new home and begin a new chapter of my life. All those happy emotions quickly changed on my first night there. I'm quite a shy person to start with and last year I never really went out partying to the extent that everyone else did, so living in student accommodation should have set alarm bells ringing from the very beginning. I remember lying in bed on my first night on my own in my room, loud music blaring from every apartment around me, people shouting outside my window, and one guy even deciding to use the bush outside my window as his own personal toilet - yuck! I remember walking to college on my first day trying to fight back the tears that resulted from tiredness, homesickness, and thinking to myself 'Why me? Why can't I fit in and adjust?'. My housemates were lovely and very easy to get on with but unfortunatly we just didn't spend enough time together, and we all just ended up staying in our rooms. I lived for the weekends where u could just go home and be with my family, and be in familiar surroundings. After that first night I'd say I stayed there only about 11 more times and each of those times I experienced the same thing. I spent from September to November staying at friends houses who lived at the other side of the city and staying with my aunty who lived half an hour away from the city, and only using my apartment as a place to keep all my stuff, but the extent that I had to go to was worth it! Finally in November I took a stand and moved out of the place that caused me so much emotion and I moved in with my best friend who luckily had an extra bed in her room. From that moment on I was happy, I began to enjoy college life and I really began to mature and change for the better. 

Obviously there is more to that story but it's a very long path in my life that I'd rather forget. Nevertheless that chapter in my life shaped me and inspired me to be the person I am today. I have gained a lot if experience from that period of time that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

For those of you who struggle with homesickness, I know what you are going through and it does get better, trust me. Surround yourself with friends and good times! Everyone gets homesick, whether they show it or not. I know it feels like your the only one exoeriencing it and that you feel like the odd one out, well your not. There are many others going through the same emotions as you, some just find it easy to hide it that's all. 

If any of you are feeling homesick at all and need somebody to talk to then email us at ellebeelooks@gmail.com , we'd be delighted to hear from you ♡

Until next time...
Elle (Lorna) xxx

Saturday 28 September 2013

Hope you Like ❤️

Hello there,

Here's just a quick blogpost to let you know about our Facebook page where we post daily updates, tips and gold many competitions. We would absolutely love for you all to like our page and maybe even share it with your friends. Starting this blog has been amazing so far and we'd love to develop and continue on our journey, and we'd love for you all to be part of that journey. We're hoping to get back to making more youtube videos and we have so many ideas to share with all of you. We'd really appreciate your support :)

And of course we are willing to support you also. If you have a Facebook page too then we would be more than happy to like and share it on both our business and personal pages. It's great for bloggers to help each other out - give a little get a little ❤️ 

Thank you for all the support you all have given us, we really truly appreciate it.

Elle Bee ❤️ 

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/pages/Elle-Bee/486496721436744?id=486496721436744&_rdr

Friday 27 September 2013

To Arthur - What I wore ❤️

So it was Arthur's day yesterday, a day that gives you permission to drink all day and not get judged; a day created by Arthur - the founder of Guiness! Being irish myself it would be very rude not to join in on the celebrations, Arthur would not be impressed! Unfortunatly I didn't head into the 17:59 celebrations in the city, but I did however celebrate it in style that night with my friends. And speaking of style, here's what I wore:

Last week while browsing around my local Tescos with my friend I came across a very plain, shapeless chiffon smock top with a rope around the waist. Many people wouldn't look at this twice but something about it told me that with a few personal touches I could make it into something really pretty, and I think I did a good job in trying to achieve that look. I accessorised it with a simple silver torc, and I wore my favourite strait black heels to match. I choose to wear my hair slightly curled and tossed to the side, and very natural makeup.

Dress: €24 Tesco

What do you all think? :) 

Till next time...
Lorna ❤️