Monday 30 September 2013

Bee's Daily Skincare Routine ❤

My daily skincare routine was once non-existent and I will admit I used to wash my face with baby wipes (this is a terrible idea because it dries out and destroys your skin). So I've learnt the right way to properly clean your face to ensure better results!

Step 1: Eye Make-Up Remover
You only need to do this step if you are taking off your make-up but what I do is I put the eye make up remover onto cotton wool and gently rub it onto my eyelids and around my eyes being very careful because your eyes are very sensitive. I then get a cotton bud and place another piece of cotton wool directly under the eye with the eye closed to wipe the mascara off with the cotton bud onto the cotton wool. 

Step 2: Cleanser
When I'm in a rush I find that even just using cleanser is beneficial in itself with the removal of make up and cleaning your skin. I put some cleanser onto my clean hands and gently massage it around my face massaging it into certain areas and making sure I'm fully removing the makeup. I then get two very slightly damp pieces of cotton wool and remove the cleanser bringing with it the excess makeup. I usually do this twice to make sure my makeup is completely gone

Step 3: Toner
Toner is very good because it closes any open pores and gets rid of excess makeup. I just simply apply some toner to a piece of cotton wool and rub it around my face focusing on any open pores or spots. Be careful though if it is your first time using toner in a while it can stung but this usually wares off after a few uses but if it doesn't it means your skin is having a chemical reaction to it so make sure you get one suited to your skin type!

Step 4: Moisturiser
This is my favourite part of my skin care routine because it allows your skin to become more soft and supple. I just add a small amount to my hands and gently massage it into my skin avoiding the areas around my eyes. 

Step 5: Eye Gel
Because the skin around your eyes is 5 times more sensitive than the skin on your face you must use an eye gel instead of moisturiser. I just put a pea size amount of it on my finger and dab it onto the area around my eyes keeping my eyes closed.

Because we all have different skin types I can't recommend any specific type of cleanser, toner etc because each skin type requires a different product i.e someone with dry skin should get an oil based product for their skin.

However the products I use are from the "Hair and Beauty Salon" shops located around Ireland and they are suitable for all skin types depending on whether you have any skin allergies etc. Kaeso Beauty is the name of the products and they are big tubes that have lasted me ages and will last for months or even a year so they are very cost effective! 

Also, one of my favourite products for skin care that I swear by is "Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Treatment Cream". If I have any random annoying spots that I want to get rid of I just apply a pea size amount onto the spot and leave it over night. I usually give it 1 or 2 nights and it usually does work! 

Ok so I hope some of these tips help! :) 
If you've any other questions contact us on our Elle Bee Facebook page❤ 



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