Friday 20 September 2013

My Study Tips ❤️

So a lot of people always ask me how I'm so calm coming up to exam time, and why I never seem to have to stay up endlessly night after night cramming as much information into my head as I possibly can. I don't think I have ever studied passed 10pm at night, and even that is too late to be up studying. I feel the key to success is studying continuously, and I mean it. Here are a few of my tips that have helped me achieve the grades that I want to achieve:

1. Start from the beginning
Although this may seem obvious, most people do not follow this rule. Start studying from the beginning of the year, every lecture and class counts. Although you may feel that some classes were pointless and that you don't have to take anything in from them, that's where you are going wrong. Remember, these are the people who are setting your exam paper, so everything they say is crucial; you'd be a fool not to listen to them.

2. Do a bit every night
Doing an hour or 2 of study each night, and maybe giving yourself a break at the weekends, will benefit you hugely come exam time. Imagine only doing an hour study each night and come exam time only having to read over your notes, compared to countless hours of cramming the night before the exam? Study doesn't have to be boring - watch a youtube video about the topic your studying to spice things up a bit, read a magazine/newspaper article related to your studies, or even do a little pop quiz for yourself. Self study is the most beneficial study you can do and it will truly reflect within your exam paper and it will show the examiner that you have ran the extra mile to impress them. 

3. You're doing this for a reason
Remember, nobody is forcing you to study, you are doing this for a reason. Whether you're in secondary school preparing for the junior or leaving cert and hoping to make it into 3rd level, or you're in college studying a course that YOU chose to do, remember why you're studying and keep your end goal in your line of vision. With regards college, remember that YOU chose the course you are doing, nobody else chose it for you, therefore work at it, if you don't then why did you choose to do it in the first place? 

4. Your study haven
This tip is really important. You need to make sure that you have your own personal place to study, a place that you are comfortable studying in and that you feel brings out the hard working person inside of you. It is true that where you study affects how you study. If you are chopping and changing your study routine then you will never take anything in because each and everyday you'll subconsciously spend most of your time adjusting to the new environment and your mind will be elsewhere instead of being focused on your studies. 

5. Stay organised
Organisation is key to studying successfully. Ensure that you have all your notes filed away for easy access come exam time. Buy a copy, folder, poly pockets, etc... whatever it takes to keep your notes in order. Also, make sure if you miss something to catch up, every big of notes you have makes your life a hell of a lot easier come exam time.

6. What works for you
This is really important. You need to discover the method of study that works best for YOU. Everyone study's differently; some read over notes and just know it, others practice questions, etc... Nobody can teach you how to study, that's a trait you must learn for yourself.

I hope this blogpost has helped you in some way and good luck ❤️

Lorna xxxx


  1. I'm just about to start uni so this post was really helpful, thank you! :) xx
