Sunday 29 September 2013

Homesickness: Elle's Experience and Advice ♡

So September is coming to an end, a month of change for many. Many of you have begun your transition from the comforts of your childhood home to the world of freedom that is College Life. Some of you may have adjusted easily, others not so much. This time last year, unfortunatly, I did not adjust, and I'm here to share with you my experience to help you out.

After opening my Leaving Cert results and the realization hit me that I had made it to college, I was absolutely delighted, I began packing almost immediately, I couldn't wait to move in to my new home and begin a new chapter of my life. All those happy emotions quickly changed on my first night there. I'm quite a shy person to start with and last year I never really went out partying to the extent that everyone else did, so living in student accommodation should have set alarm bells ringing from the very beginning. I remember lying in bed on my first night on my own in my room, loud music blaring from every apartment around me, people shouting outside my window, and one guy even deciding to use the bush outside my window as his own personal toilet - yuck! I remember walking to college on my first day trying to fight back the tears that resulted from tiredness, homesickness, and thinking to myself 'Why me? Why can't I fit in and adjust?'. My housemates were lovely and very easy to get on with but unfortunatly we just didn't spend enough time together, and we all just ended up staying in our rooms. I lived for the weekends where u could just go home and be with my family, and be in familiar surroundings. After that first night I'd say I stayed there only about 11 more times and each of those times I experienced the same thing. I spent from September to November staying at friends houses who lived at the other side of the city and staying with my aunty who lived half an hour away from the city, and only using my apartment as a place to keep all my stuff, but the extent that I had to go to was worth it! Finally in November I took a stand and moved out of the place that caused me so much emotion and I moved in with my best friend who luckily had an extra bed in her room. From that moment on I was happy, I began to enjoy college life and I really began to mature and change for the better. 

Obviously there is more to that story but it's a very long path in my life that I'd rather forget. Nevertheless that chapter in my life shaped me and inspired me to be the person I am today. I have gained a lot if experience from that period of time that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

For those of you who struggle with homesickness, I know what you are going through and it does get better, trust me. Surround yourself with friends and good times! Everyone gets homesick, whether they show it or not. I know it feels like your the only one exoeriencing it and that you feel like the odd one out, well your not. There are many others going through the same emotions as you, some just find it easy to hide it that's all. 

If any of you are feeling homesick at all and need somebody to talk to then email us at , we'd be delighted to hear from you ♡

Until next time...
Elle (Lorna) xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly how I felt in my first year at uni. I was lucky in the fact that I'm not very shy and I loved going out and the night life.. But I missed home so much on the nights that I stayed in and really missed my mum and family and boyfriend! It all gets better in the end though and I am now living in a student house with five amazing girls :) so much happier! I'm glad you feel happier too:)
