Saturday 3 August 2013

My Fitness Routine - Elle

Now before I begin, I'm not a fitness fanatic or anything. I'm just lucky to have found a routine that I enjoy and can see benefits from. Hopefully I may be able to give you some tips to add to your own routine or help you develop a routine. 

I live by the Moto: never deny yourself anything. With regard to fitness and food I don't believe in starving yourself and depriving yourself of the foods you crave. If I want chocolate then I'll have chocolate, if I want a second helping of dinner then I'll bloody well have it! :D I do, however, try and limit the amount of foods I crave ie. if I want chocolate I'll buy a bar and only have a little bit and save the rest of it for the next time I want some. 

Also I rarely ever drink fizzy drinks, mainly because I just don't like them. Instead I drink lots of water, usually flavoured water - Volvic touch of strawberry is my all time favourite! Other than that I have a pretty normal diet, I'm not on any special type of diet or anything, and still have the occasional McD's - Yum!!

Now on to the exercise side of things. As I said before I have developed my own routine that I enjoy and can personally see benefits from. I'm an early bird, usually wake up between 8-9am, and if the weather is dry I try and get myself out for a short walk (5-10 minutes) to wake myself up and breathe in some of the beautiful fresh morning air. I try my hardest to get my routine done and dusted in the morning so I don't have it hanging over me all day which will end up in me not doing it. When I get back from my walk its straight into floor exercises, which are as follows:
• 30-40 sit-ups 
• 50 leg lifts each leg
• 50 bridges
• 30 second plank x2 with 10 second rest
• 30 Jumping Jacks
• 15 donkey kicks each leg 

That's the only floor exercises I do.
I also do exercises with weights (4kg) which are as follows:
• 150 squats - broken down into 50,50,50 with 30-40 second rest inbetween
• 20 lunges 

I also try to go on either another longer walk (25-30 minutes) or a jog (10 minutes) in the evening if the weather is dry :)

I know this routine seems quite time consuming and heavy but this is the routine I've built up in the last year and a half, and I enjoy doing it. I hope this post gives you some tips if you are looking to set up a routine of your own or even looking for a few extra things you can add into your own routine :) 

Another tip I have for you: I find exercising much more fun when you have fun and cute workout clothes to wear while doing them. My favourite sports outlet to shop on is - has all your sporting needs, all the big brands, etc... for a much lower cost :D

I really hope this post has helped you in some way and I hope to talk to you again soon.

Lorna xxx


  1. I think i'll try this out! Been looking for something that works for me for ages, so I'll definitely be giving this a go! Love the post! xx

  2. “With regard to fitness and food I don't believe in starving yourself and depriving yourself of the foods you crave.”- This is so true. Proper diet is all about eating the right type of food with the right amount. Your goal is to be fit and healthy, not thin and starving. As for the exercise routine, identify the exercises you can easily follow, can keep up with, and will enjoy. Working out can be tiring, so looking for a routine that's enjoyable will make your journey to fitness easier. Good going!
    Roman @ Go: Fitness Center
